Saturday, 24 December 2016


Hello You Lovely Bunch!
How's your christmas eve going?
I've got the food shop out the way, just got a couple of other gifts to wrap up tonight.  But other than that my plan for tonight is to get my favourite pyjamas on have some quality chill out time with some shortbread biscuits. I'm trying to get Alex into the christmas spirit and excited that Santa's coming but he's just not having any of it at them moment- will keep persevering!
Currently watching The Muppet's Christmas Carol, I cannot remember the last time I saw this but I remember not being a fan. However, I am really enjoying it now I'm older! What a classic how could I not enjoy this!

I want to take a little moment to say THANK YOU
for all the incredible support and encouragement throughout the year and more recently during blogmas. Those of you who have read, liked, commented, share you really don't know how much I appreciate it. I cannot believe its coming to an end, I've thoroughly enjoyed it more than I thought I would. I think 21/24 isn't bad considering I didn't pre-write all of them (only 5 were pre-written), have been going to work and being a mummy and all other bits inbetween😀 I'm proud of myself.
 I'm really motivated to write more frequently in the new year. 

I hope you all have an amazing Christmas whatever you may be doing, spend quality time with your friends and family and get everything you wish for!

Merry Christmas Everyone!

1 comment:

  1. It may be a little late, but happy end of Blogmas!
    I sometimes wonder where December went, it feels like yesterday we were all just starting to write out first posts!

