Sunday, 31 January 2016


So got myself a cup of tea before I began writing as just so cold today, thought it would keep me warm in the meantime :)

But, back to the real reason I'm writing this blog, at the beginning of the year I finally chose some eye patches to try and reduce these hideous dark circles of mine! I gave them a try, to see what happened clicking, First Attempt

As I said in the first post, I'm not one to give up and I will retry things, so on that note I gave 'eyetreat SPA by Masque Bar, dark circle reducer' another chance last night!
I did as instructed on the back of the packaging, cleanse your face to remove all dirt etc. To do this, I exfoliated and cleansed my face with 2 of my favourite Nivea products.
-Daily essentials gentle Exfoliating Scrub &
- Daily essentials 2 in 1 Cleanser and Toner
You can find these in Boots Drugstore and most other supermarkets.

So I popped them under the eyes covering all of the dark patches, which again felt really strange and cold, then began tingly as thought they were beginning to do something :) then I just carried on with my evening.

Last time I only wore them for the minimal recommendation of 30 minutes, this time I thought I'd go with all night and see if that worked with it being so much extra time to work the magic!

This was my night time look last night, so cool right!? haha
I managed to sleep with them on just fine, couldn't really tell once I was asleep.
So I took them off this morning all full of hope that something had changed. but again unfortunately these didn't work for me and my dark patches were still as dark as they always are. So I guess these aren't the product for me and its time to look for something else, or maybe its just my skin? who knows, but I'm sure I'll find out one day

I'm glad that I gave them a go twice as it gives you a 100% insight into if a product works or not. Never give up after the first try and I will be doing that with any products I buy until I find the right one that suits me

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Thanks for reading and you continued support xx

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