Sunday, 10 January 2016


This is a different type of post I'm writing today, its something that I can hope to look back in the future and it can help me again and hopefully some of you guys as well. I'm in no way looking for a debate but completely understand we all have our own views and ideas :) your more than welcome to share.

In our jobs, relationships, families and any other groups we may be involved in we come across those people who don't like us for being us. For years now, I've been at the hand of some ridiculous comments to my face and behind my back on how I shouldn't be the way I am because it doesn't suit them. Personally, I think if your not breaking the law or doing any damage to yourself why can't you be yourself? No one is perfect, right?!

Sometime in September I made the final decision it was time to start doing things for myself instead of behaving and acting a way that people expect me to be just because they say so. I mean c'mon I have a little boy I need to protect now too until he's older I have to make the choices for him

To the Mummy's and Daddy's reading this who get told there doing a bad job, let me assure you are NOT! It is a total learning curve between you and your little one, who learn together and battle every single obstacle together. Yes we all get extremely upset and frustrated but I bet there are way more GREAT memories. I have so many!
To those who say you are boring because you choose your little ones and families over going out clubbing every weekend its your choice they have no right to judge us. If you are going out, that's okay too, we all deserve a break!
To those who are told they work too much I bet your doing what you have to do to make sure you can provide for your family, people should ask us before judging, right?

To everyone else reading this, if people have said your too harsh, too nice, too fat, too skinny, selfish, poor, rich, cold, not affectionate, too affectionate, boring, no personality, crazy, old, dreamy the list could go on; I believe no one can get the balance right and you shouldn't be expected too as well. You are who you are and you shouldn't change because people are saying these things. Do what makes you happy! It doesn't matter if your too direct in a conversation but it also doesn't matter if you choose to be quiet. There are so many comparisons I could give you.
I've found being compared to someone else that its the worse thing another person can do, I mean what 2 people are the same, even twins have differences.

Please believe in yourself and do the best that you can no matter what to outcome because sometimes we do make the wrong choice but we will overcome that! Don't be forced to make a choice because someone else has given their opinion.

Not everyone will agree with the things you say or how you speak or act, but that's what makes us all different, you should trust yourself as only you know how your really feeling and don't back down and feel your views and opinions don't matter.

Please forgive me as this may be complete gobbldy gook to you reading it, some of it is to me too, but its there for me (and you) to look back on when I'm feeling down about the way I'm perceived.

Thanks for reading I hope that if it just helps one person that is just amazing!

Love to you all xx

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