This is a bit of an open post for me that I'm quite nervous about as well... its my face haha!
So we all know that I have awful dark circles under my eyes, I HATE them! I have them all the time, tired, not tired I think it could just be my skin but whose to say I can't try and reduce them. For a month or so now I've been looking at products mainly in Boots Drugstore just trying to decide which one could possibly work. So yesterday I took the plunge and chose one. I went for 'Eyetreat Spa' by Masque Bar.
This is what it looks like if you want to go and get some for yourselves :)
As you can see it says dark circle reducer which made me so excited as at last mine wouldn't be so prominent. It gives a little explanation of what the patches set out to do, diminish the appearance of dark circles and Vitamins A & E are used.
From the picture these are little eye patches to put under the eye for 30 minutes or overnight.
In this case I chose to use them for 30 minutes just incase my skin didn't agree with the product, can never be too careful sometimes!
TOTAL posey picture haha, but thought I'd show you all what they look like on!
So I popped these on where my dark circles are.
At first it felt so strange as its a cold wet patch, but after they'd been on for a couple of minute it felt quite tingly, felt like they were doing something.
I kept these on whilst writing bits in my new diary and just chilling around on my bed with a film on.
After the 30 minutes were up, I went and took them off. To be honest with you I didn't see a mass improvement, but felt good having them on all the same. I'm not one for giving up after the first try so seen as the packet contains 5 treatments next time I'm gonna give these a go over night and see if i can see a better improvement. If not well, time to try something else.
I am also experimenting with other bits of make up to see if this can help cover them, but I don't always want to e wearing make up to cover my dark circles haha
I'm sad that this hasn't been a great experiment with the product but on a lighter note I am going to try again, although that will probably be in a couple of weeks when things are a little more relaxed around my house. Keep posted to see if it works then :)
Let me know of any products you have tried and I'll see what I can do, Thanks
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