Friday, 26 February 2016


This is something a bit different for me to talk about, but I really loved what I was wearing :)

Did you read in Weekly Wonders that I had my works Christmas do this week? It took me so long to find something to wear!

I realise the picture quality is pretty rubbish, still working on my photo taking skills haha!

So this is what I wore :) minus slippers though!! I was waiting on a workman coming round, didn't think heels would of been appropriate haha!
I think with the shirt tucked into the leggings gave the outfit a more of 'going out' look as it is quite a long shirt that can be wore casually too. The leggings did get more high waist as the night went on! haha

Leather look leggings - New Look
Cameo Rose Stripe Shirt - New Look
Necklace - Next 

I feel the red nails was a good contrast and really set it off, I did wear a red lipstick also - Rimmel - The Redder the Better. 

Shoes - Miss Selfridge
I've had these a couple of years now and are definately beginning to show there age, but there one of my fave going out shoes!
The ribbon laces and pattern is what attracted me to buying them!

I chose this necklace as my outfit was so stripy that I think the circle just mixed it up a bit. 

Overall, this outfit and me had a good night! I'm not a big dress wearing kinda girl sadly. Used to be, don't know what happened! Maybe one day me and a dress will meet again....

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Love to you all x

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