Thursday, 18 February 2016


I'd say I've been that little more busy this week, but only a little bit haha!

The weekend saw Alex with a sickness bug so lots of resting for us, cant really complain :)

By Sunday we resumed normal service and all was well, this meant we started our day with quite a lot of energy, out came the workout DVDS, yep I'm using 2 now! Alex loves them too, tries to do the moves or just runs around in circles to the music.
I'm feeling good, rather achy, but good :)
Also had a little park date with Alex, he enjoyed that and threw an almighty tantrum when we had to leave! Typical ay? Wouldn't have it any other way!
Monday evening was a night with the girls, we don't all see each other as often as we should! But its just circumstances of all working at different times and whatnot, but always a good catch up when we do all get together!
We ate at Rub Smokehouse and Bar, which as some amazingly yummy food!  The menu is so meaty and creative haha!

This is known as the 'Saturday Night Dog' really yummy! Frankfurter sausage, pulled pork, crispy onions and a cheese sauce, sounds nice doesn't it? Well I enjoyed it, even if it is unhealthy.
The food is so filling, was stuffed! We all were. 

Some of us saved room for a couple of glasses of wine afterwards.
Didn't realise it was National Drink Wine Day today... we were a couple of days early!
It was nice to just chit chat, most of us are mums so was mainly about children, I feel sorry for our non mummy friends. Sorry, sometimes I personally don't have much else to talk about haha!
What's your favourite wine?

Other than that, just work work and work :)
Now I'm off to search the internet for an outfit for a upcoming night out, any website recommendations?

Hope you've all had a lovely week, what you been up to?  Leave your comments below

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