Lets catch up!!
I started this on Saturday, and I'll be honest that's the only day I've done it this week- as its just been a bit of a hard week for time and motivation haha. But I'm gonna get back into it over the weekend. Even though I've only done it once, I love it already! so energetic and can definitely feel it working.
The reason behind getting it is that with summer coming up I was thinking of starting to wear shorts and skirts especially if get some of the temperatures we did last year, got hot didn't it?
Since having Alex I've not pushed for losing the baby weight either - but I'm certainly aiming to loose a bit of that mummy tummy and just tone up all over.
Have you got this DVD, what do you think of it?
After some terrible wind and rain, the sky is starting to look beautiful again, so clear and blue. Still cold- but its bright and the sun is shining. This is getting me so excited for spring/summer and making plans for those lovely days ahead.
What I love the most is buying clothes for Alex, I go wayyy over the top but there's always so many nice things to choose from.
I'm convinced it'll be raining next week, so I'm going to appreciate whilst I can :)
Other than that its just been work, work and work. I'm working a lot more now than I was when I started this blog, but its just how it goes, I hope you all understand :)
We've also had pancake day, which I thoroughly enjoyed, ate far too many pancakes and was stuffed for the whole day.
I did my food shop this week, and we all know I enjoy that, but I purchased some cornflakes and lemon yoghurt, who'd have thought they make a good combination for breakfast- its my new fave! Totally obsessed with it, lemon flavoured things are so refreshing! What flavours do you like?
This weekend I'm having a big tidy round, clearout etc so if you don't hear from me I'll be under a pile of things found in my house :)
Find me on facebook, give the page a like :) Graciesworld
Been doing the same thing, cleaning and cleaning and you turn around and nothing is done ahaha!