Thursday, 18 February 2016


I've been nominated for a second Liebster Award by Nikki @ Nikkipedia Thanks again, sorry its taken so long to get around to doing it.

1. What made you want to start blogging?I've been through quite a few things in my life and wish I documented them to look back on, but also I could of helped someone else at the time. But I was too afraid - now I just think why not?
2. Where do you get your inspiration?
Every day life really, anything that I enjoy I'll write about.
3. What is your favourite topic to blog about?Probably my son its a journey we're on together and always so much to learn everyday, but I do like writing about make-up too.
4. If you were an animal, what would you be and why?

A bird because they have the freedom to fly 
5. If you could travel somewhere new today, where would you go and why?
Australia, its on the bucket list, such a beautiful country. Shame I'm afraid to fly at the moment haha
6. Who would be your ideal dinner party celebrity guests?

Hmmm such a tough one- maybe Emma Watson and Justin Timberlake, because he's fit as...... haha!
7. What social media platforms do you use to promote your blog?

Facebook Page, Twitter and Google Plus mainly. I occasionally use Instagram and Snapchat to let you know blog posts are coming :)
8. What has been your biggest accomplishment (in life or in blogging) so far?

In life, My son. In blogging - no idea really haha!
9. Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?

Wherever the time takes me, I'm not 100% sure where i see myself - but I'd like to be a little more travelled.
10. Which blog is your favourite to read?

Too many to choose, I tag my favourite every week in Weekly Wonders.
11. Name one thing you can't live without 

If not my son- my phone and internet haha! anyone else?

Now I'm supposed to nominate 11 other small blogs, but I'm going to cheat and nominate angone who hasn't done this yet as I know its been doing its rounds and I'm quite late with my answers :) Lets get to know each other better! Make sure you you tag me and let me know via facebook and twitter so i can read your answers, can't wait!

My Questions for you....

1, What encouraged you to start a blog?
2. Do you have any hobbies, if so, what?
3. Current mood?
4. Whats a must have item you always carry with you?
5. Favourite place to go?
6. Who inspires you?
7. If you had 24hours left to live, what would you spend your time doing?
8. Savoury or sweet foods?
9. 2 famous people you'd like to meet?
10. Whats your dream job?
11. A memory you'll treasure forever?


Yeah, I got nomiated for a Liebster award, The lovely Kallia @ Kallia's Everyday Talks nominated me :) Thank you so much, still can't believe you thought of me! Make sure you go ahead and have a look at her blog - I love it! I'm sure you will too.
A Liebster Award is an important focus on the smaller blogs out there. 

So whilst still in shock and already having a total mind blank on how to answer the questions Kallia has asked, I'm going to give it a go, here goes....

  1. What is your fashion/ style icon? 
    At the moment I'm really finding Jenna Dewan Tatum's style pretty cool, defo a yummy mummy there, but honestly it can change from day-to-day.
  2. What is your biggest regret?
    No regrets, whatever's happened has happened and made me the person I am today! :)
  3. If you could change one aspect of your life, what would it be?
    Going on how I'm feeling at the moment, it'd definately be where I'm living.
  4. What is your thought process when you write a blog post?
    All I think about is whether it makes sense or not as I'm writing it haha!
  5. Where is your favorite destination?
    Can't many places I want to go and see
  6. The three things, that are a necessity for your daily routines.
    Shower, Doing something with my little boy and cleaning.
  7. What is your favorite movie?
    Another one where I can't choose, I have so many...
  8. Chocolate cake or Fruit Pie/ Cake?
    Chocolate cake for sure! Although I do love a good homemade peach crumble
  9. What is your favorite perfume/ cologne?
    If I have to choose I'm going to go with Armani Code.
  10. What would you say to your younger self, if you could?
    Travel more!
  11. What is your favorite memory?
    Giving birth to my little boy- a special day!
Now I'm supposed to nominate 11 other small blogs, but I'm going to cheat and nominate just the 2, and leave an open nomination for all you fellow bloggers, we all deserve this! Lets get to know each other better! Make sure you let me know when you've done! x
My nominations-
Georgia @ True Young Mum
Srikar Reddy @ gSrikar
My Questions for you....

1, What encouraged you to start a blog?
2. Do you have any hobbies, if so, what?
3. Current mood?
4. Whats a must have item you always carry with you?
5. Favourite place to go?
6. Who inspires you?
7. If you had 24hours left to live, what would you spend your time doing?
8. Savoury or sweet foods?
9. 2 famous people you'd like to meet?
10. Whats your dream job?
11. A memory you'll treasure forever?

Thanks for reading everyone, I really hope you like it, I look forward to seeing your replies :)

If you have minute check my Facebook and Twitter - see you over there


  1. Such awesome answers! Love your blog, of course I would nominate it!

  2. More than welcome for the nomination. I do really like your blog

    1. aw, thank you :) i love reading your blog too x

  3. Hello gracie!
    Thanks for making it an open nomination, i have made a post about mine at TuhamWorld's Blog. Do check it out
