Thursday, 25 February 2016


Good Morning All! Sorry I'm late with this, had one of them days- just didn't have the time! All good in the hood now though :)

Friday and Sunday saw me doing a lot of trawling around the high street stores looking for something nice to wear on a night out in the week! I tried on alot, browsed and it was just so difficult haha! I have a love/hate relationship with clothes shopping! I did eventually find something, look out for my outfit of day post this weekend #ootd!
Other than that, I sent the weekend slowly working my way sorting through my house, I feel its too cluttered at the moment so getting rid of bit and bobs. Do you ever feel that having a house is so much work?
I made a lovely banana bread on Sunday too, something new I tried I'm impressed with bow it turned out 

Had a night out was the beginning of the week with my workmates, Christmas do, can you believe? haha. After being fashionably late by 2hours I did eventually make it! What a good night it was! I'd say I really needed it, totally just chilled out. Saying chilled, I did fall over once, resulting in a nice graze on my knee-small reminder why I don't wear heels :)
I also think I ruined a lot of peoples shoes, including my own, my dropping whole glasses of drinks haha! It was nice getting to see everybody too!
Woke up feeling retty good too, which is a bonus!

Have you seen the weather? One day its spring like, sunny and fresh next we're having snow. Its crazy! But the lovely spring weather meant me and Alex have had a couple of park dates and doesn't he just love it :) his favourite is the slide! Its nice to see him laughing and playing about. He loves to tell me about all the things he can see, awh its all such a special time as he grows.
But other than that, as usual its just been work,work,work,work,work, work-duh,duh,duh,duh,duh,duh. Does that sound right? I have no idea haha!

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