Sunday, 28 February 2016


I thought I'd fill you in on my go to make-up brushes of the moment :) I've recently changed quite a few of them for something different and I'm pretty impressed so why not share my enjoyment? haha

I just want to put it out there I have NO make up experience whatsoever, I use all make-up brushes for the wrong thing but its just what works for me :) haha, its all a big learning curve with trends changing all the time.
ps- I also really need to up my picture game! 

Over the years I've used many different things to put my foundation on. Started out with sponges and moved onto a foundation brush. I've used liquid foundation for many years and after watching some youtube vids and reading some blogs I heard alot about the Kabuki Brush- so I thought why not go and get one and see what its all about?

Retractable Kabuki Brush by Sam and Nic Chapman 

Although I've had this brush for about a week, I cannot speak highly enough of it. It is sooooo much different to my old foundation brush. The bristles are so soft but so firm at the same time really good for a nearly flawless complexion, no steaks or lines in the skin from application. Its easy to buff the foundation into your skin for all over even coverage. 
With it being retractable means the shiny pink you can see can extend further, but if you were to take this in your handbag its the perfect size. Pop the lid on and your read to go for topping up of make up throughout the day. 
I honestly absolutely love it! Definitely a brush I'm going to recommend and continue using.

Real Techniques Buffer Brush

I received this for my birthday back in December and only recently starting using it as I had no idea how to use it as I was so stuck in my ways with the brushes I was using.
I started using this to put bronzer on, as I somehow lost my powder brush haha but I didn't really like how it applied the bronzer, made it look like too much! So after buying a new powder brush I tried this out on my concealer and it definitely does a good job.
I used to use my finger to dab my concealer in, but I find using this brush is so much better and much more better coverage and easier to blend in.
Again the bristles are soft but firm definitely works for me and applying concealer.

Real techniques seems to be quite a popular brand amongst my make up brush collection at the moment but that's only because I received quite a few for my Birthday. But now I've started using them I'm more than happy with them! Not too pricey either if your looking in most high street stores- go and have a gander.

What brushes do you use?

Find me on Facebook or Twitter - you can also contact me on any of those if you have any enquiries

Love to you all xx

Friday, 26 February 2016


This is something a bit different for me to talk about, but I really loved what I was wearing :)

Did you read in Weekly Wonders that I had my works Christmas do this week? It took me so long to find something to wear!

I realise the picture quality is pretty rubbish, still working on my photo taking skills haha!

So this is what I wore :) minus slippers though!! I was waiting on a workman coming round, didn't think heels would of been appropriate haha!
I think with the shirt tucked into the leggings gave the outfit a more of 'going out' look as it is quite a long shirt that can be wore casually too. The leggings did get more high waist as the night went on! haha

Leather look leggings - New Look
Cameo Rose Stripe Shirt - New Look
Necklace - Next 

I feel the red nails was a good contrast and really set it off, I did wear a red lipstick also - Rimmel - The Redder the Better. 

Shoes - Miss Selfridge
I've had these a couple of years now and are definately beginning to show there age, but there one of my fave going out shoes!
The ribbon laces and pattern is what attracted me to buying them!

I chose this necklace as my outfit was so stripy that I think the circle just mixed it up a bit. 

Overall, this outfit and me had a good night! I'm not a big dress wearing kinda girl sadly. Used to be, don't know what happened! Maybe one day me and a dress will meet again....

Find me on Facebook or Twitter  or comment below and let me know what you think about this blogpost, would you like to see more similiar to this?

Love to you all x

Thursday, 25 February 2016


Good Morning All! Sorry I'm late with this, had one of them days- just didn't have the time! All good in the hood now though :)

Friday and Sunday saw me doing a lot of trawling around the high street stores looking for something nice to wear on a night out in the week! I tried on alot, browsed and it was just so difficult haha! I have a love/hate relationship with clothes shopping! I did eventually find something, look out for my outfit of day post this weekend #ootd!
Other than that, I sent the weekend slowly working my way sorting through my house, I feel its too cluttered at the moment so getting rid of bit and bobs. Do you ever feel that having a house is so much work?
I made a lovely banana bread on Sunday too, something new I tried I'm impressed with bow it turned out 

Had a night out was the beginning of the week with my workmates, Christmas do, can you believe? haha. After being fashionably late by 2hours I did eventually make it! What a good night it was! I'd say I really needed it, totally just chilled out. Saying chilled, I did fall over once, resulting in a nice graze on my knee-small reminder why I don't wear heels :)
I also think I ruined a lot of peoples shoes, including my own, my dropping whole glasses of drinks haha! It was nice getting to see everybody too!
Woke up feeling retty good too, which is a bonus!

Have you seen the weather? One day its spring like, sunny and fresh next we're having snow. Its crazy! But the lovely spring weather meant me and Alex have had a couple of park dates and doesn't he just love it :) his favourite is the slide! Its nice to see him laughing and playing about. He loves to tell me about all the things he can see, awh its all such a special time as he grows.
But other than that, as usual its just been work,work,work,work,work, work-duh,duh,duh,duh,duh,duh. Does that sound right? I have no idea haha!

Find me on Facebook or over on Twitter to see what I'm up to 

Chat Soon x

Thursday, 18 February 2016


I'd say I've been that little more busy this week, but only a little bit haha!

The weekend saw Alex with a sickness bug so lots of resting for us, cant really complain :)

By Sunday we resumed normal service and all was well, this meant we started our day with quite a lot of energy, out came the workout DVDS, yep I'm using 2 now! Alex loves them too, tries to do the moves or just runs around in circles to the music.
I'm feeling good, rather achy, but good :)
Also had a little park date with Alex, he enjoyed that and threw an almighty tantrum when we had to leave! Typical ay? Wouldn't have it any other way!
Monday evening was a night with the girls, we don't all see each other as often as we should! But its just circumstances of all working at different times and whatnot, but always a good catch up when we do all get together!
We ate at Rub Smokehouse and Bar, which as some amazingly yummy food!  The menu is so meaty and creative haha!

This is known as the 'Saturday Night Dog' really yummy! Frankfurter sausage, pulled pork, crispy onions and a cheese sauce, sounds nice doesn't it? Well I enjoyed it, even if it is unhealthy.
The food is so filling, was stuffed! We all were. 

Some of us saved room for a couple of glasses of wine afterwards.
Didn't realise it was National Drink Wine Day today... we were a couple of days early!
It was nice to just chit chat, most of us are mums so was mainly about children, I feel sorry for our non mummy friends. Sorry, sometimes I personally don't have much else to talk about haha!
What's your favourite wine?

Other than that, just work work and work :)
Now I'm off to search the internet for an outfit for a upcoming night out, any website recommendations?

Hope you've all had a lovely week, what you been up to?  Leave your comments below

Find me on Facebook and Twitter 



I've been nominated for a second Liebster Award by Nikki @ Nikkipedia Thanks again, sorry its taken so long to get around to doing it.

1. What made you want to start blogging?I've been through quite a few things in my life and wish I documented them to look back on, but also I could of helped someone else at the time. But I was too afraid - now I just think why not?
2. Where do you get your inspiration?
Every day life really, anything that I enjoy I'll write about.
3. What is your favourite topic to blog about?Probably my son its a journey we're on together and always so much to learn everyday, but I do like writing about make-up too.
4. If you were an animal, what would you be and why?

A bird because they have the freedom to fly 
5. If you could travel somewhere new today, where would you go and why?
Australia, its on the bucket list, such a beautiful country. Shame I'm afraid to fly at the moment haha
6. Who would be your ideal dinner party celebrity guests?

Hmmm such a tough one- maybe Emma Watson and Justin Timberlake, because he's fit as...... haha!
7. What social media platforms do you use to promote your blog?

Facebook Page, Twitter and Google Plus mainly. I occasionally use Instagram and Snapchat to let you know blog posts are coming :)
8. What has been your biggest accomplishment (in life or in blogging) so far?

In life, My son. In blogging - no idea really haha!
9. Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?

Wherever the time takes me, I'm not 100% sure where i see myself - but I'd like to be a little more travelled.
10. Which blog is your favourite to read?

Too many to choose, I tag my favourite every week in Weekly Wonders.
11. Name one thing you can't live without 

If not my son- my phone and internet haha! anyone else?

Now I'm supposed to nominate 11 other small blogs, but I'm going to cheat and nominate angone who hasn't done this yet as I know its been doing its rounds and I'm quite late with my answers :) Lets get to know each other better! Make sure you you tag me and let me know via facebook and twitter so i can read your answers, can't wait!

My Questions for you....

1, What encouraged you to start a blog?
2. Do you have any hobbies, if so, what?
3. Current mood?
4. Whats a must have item you always carry with you?
5. Favourite place to go?
6. Who inspires you?
7. If you had 24hours left to live, what would you spend your time doing?
8. Savoury or sweet foods?
9. 2 famous people you'd like to meet?
10. Whats your dream job?
11. A memory you'll treasure forever?


Yeah, I got nomiated for a Liebster award, The lovely Kallia @ Kallia's Everyday Talks nominated me :) Thank you so much, still can't believe you thought of me! Make sure you go ahead and have a look at her blog - I love it! I'm sure you will too.
A Liebster Award is an important focus on the smaller blogs out there. 

So whilst still in shock and already having a total mind blank on how to answer the questions Kallia has asked, I'm going to give it a go, here goes....

  1. What is your fashion/ style icon? 
    At the moment I'm really finding Jenna Dewan Tatum's style pretty cool, defo a yummy mummy there, but honestly it can change from day-to-day.
  2. What is your biggest regret?
    No regrets, whatever's happened has happened and made me the person I am today! :)
  3. If you could change one aspect of your life, what would it be?
    Going on how I'm feeling at the moment, it'd definately be where I'm living.
  4. What is your thought process when you write a blog post?
    All I think about is whether it makes sense or not as I'm writing it haha!
  5. Where is your favorite destination?
    Can't many places I want to go and see
  6. The three things, that are a necessity for your daily routines.
    Shower, Doing something with my little boy and cleaning.
  7. What is your favorite movie?
    Another one where I can't choose, I have so many...
  8. Chocolate cake or Fruit Pie/ Cake?
    Chocolate cake for sure! Although I do love a good homemade peach crumble
  9. What is your favorite perfume/ cologne?
    If I have to choose I'm going to go with Armani Code.
  10. What would you say to your younger self, if you could?
    Travel more!
  11. What is your favorite memory?
    Giving birth to my little boy- a special day!
Now I'm supposed to nominate 11 other small blogs, but I'm going to cheat and nominate just the 2, and leave an open nomination for all you fellow bloggers, we all deserve this! Lets get to know each other better! Make sure you let me know when you've done! x
My nominations-
Georgia @ True Young Mum
Srikar Reddy @ gSrikar
My Questions for you....

1, What encouraged you to start a blog?
2. Do you have any hobbies, if so, what?
3. Current mood?
4. Whats a must have item you always carry with you?
5. Favourite place to go?
6. Who inspires you?
7. If you had 24hours left to live, what would you spend your time doing?
8. Savoury or sweet foods?
9. 2 famous people you'd like to meet?
10. Whats your dream job?
11. A memory you'll treasure forever?

Thanks for reading everyone, I really hope you like it, I look forward to seeing your replies :)

If you have minute check my Facebook and Twitter - see you over there

Thursday, 11 February 2016


Lets catch up!!

I started this on Saturday, and I'll be honest that's the only day I've done it this week- as its just been a bit of a hard week for time and motivation haha. But I'm gonna get back into it over the weekend. Even though I've only done it once, I love it already! so energetic and can definitely feel it working.
The reason behind getting it is that with summer coming up I was thinking of starting to wear shorts and skirts especially if get some of the temperatures we did last year, got hot didn't it?
Since having Alex I've not pushed for losing the baby weight either - but I'm certainly aiming to loose a bit of that mummy tummy and just tone up all over.
Have you got this DVD, what do you think of it?

After some terrible wind and rain, the sky is starting to look beautiful again, so clear and blue. Still cold- but its bright and the sun is shining. This is getting me so excited for spring/summer and making plans for those lovely days ahead.
What I love the most is buying clothes for Alex, I go wayyy over the top but there's always so many nice things to choose from.
I'm convinced it'll be raining next week, so I'm going to appreciate whilst I can :)

Other than that its just been work, work and work. I'm working a lot more now than I was when I started this blog, but its just how it goes, I hope you all understand :)
We've also had pancake day, which I thoroughly enjoyed, ate far too many pancakes and was stuffed for the whole day.
I did my food shop this week, and we all know I enjoy that, but I purchased some cornflakes and lemon yoghurt, who'd have thought they make a good combination for breakfast- its my new fave! Totally obsessed with it, lemon flavoured things are so refreshing! What flavours do you like?

This weekend I'm having a big tidy round, clearout etc so if you don't hear from me I'll be under a pile of things found in my house :)

Find me on facebook, give the page a like :) Graciesworld


Sunday, 7 February 2016


Do you remember me telling you I brought the Max Factor Rose Nudes eye shadow palette?
I purchased it because I wanted to try some purple eye shadow as its supposed to go well with green eyes. So I've been playing around with it, and trying out different looks and seeing what eye shadows work best

Let me just say sadly I couldn't get any pictures of the eye shadow on, as with it being so nude you couldn't see it on when taking a picture. My camera isn't the best to be honest and light was totally off when I was doing the make up, sorry!

The packaging is really nice, a mirrored gold case really sets off the colours, but also gives it a classy feeling. I like the clear lid too as you can see the eye shadows and know what it is you have to work with, whether using all colours out of this palette or mixing it up with colours from another. Love that it comes with a eye shadow applicator, they always come in handy right?! What I like most about this one is how it comes with the pointed end so that you can use the eye shadows underneath you eye for a more precise look.

numbered the colours so easier to describe
The eye shadows are beautiful colour and so subtle, ranging from baby pink to deep purple. (the picture doesn't do it justice) there is a range of shimmery eye shadows and matte tones. These eye shadows feel AMAZING, they are so soft almost like silk. Weirdly, they also smell good too haha! Almost like baby powder, just nice- can't really describe it haha! When applying the eyeshadow it is really light and soft, doesn't feel like you have anything on, which is always good in my books!

The first look I tried involved the colour No.4 which is a peach pink tone, I used this on its own and it looks really nice, I've heard peachy tones are in this spring so this is perfect shade! In the right light is reflects all the shimmer and doesn't look too much.With some black mascara really sets off the colour to make it stand out even more. I've got to say this was my favourite colour to use and I'll definitely be using it in the future.  

I second look I went for, I used colours NO.5 & 8, a matte Lilac and a shimmery Aubergine tone. I was going for purply smoky eye look. Something different to my usual bronze smoky eye. Honestly it did not work for me, It looked like I had black eye no matter how much I tried to tweak it etc. Unfortunately this is because of my dark under eye circles that I suffer with that I have spoke about it previous blog posts- its a working progress. 

The third look I gave a go was using No.2 & 5, I wanted a shimmery lilac and these colours seemed to do the job. No.2 is a very shimmery pale pink, No.5 is a matte Lilac. I used no.2 as a base all over my eye lid, then added no.5 accordingly. I started by adding one coat of this over all my eye lid but just missing the bit near the corner of my eye as I wanted that the just be the shimmery look as it opens my eyes. I added 3 layers of the Lilac gradually, which build up to what I thought was a lovely purple look, really made my eyes pop. So its a look I'll definitely be doing again.

Wish I could of got some good photos for you all to see. (sadface)

I'll continue using this palette, keep playing around with the colours to get some looks perfected. I think it'll be great for the spring (when it gets here, ay?)
Have you got this pallette, what do you think? Leave you comments below

Find me on Facebook, give it a like Graciesworld


Friday, 5 February 2016


I know I only have just over 2 years experience of being a mummy but in that time theres been so many ups and down. But I tell you one thing, its been such a big learning curve and I wouldn't change it for anything. I thought I'd share the things what I think is best about motherhood!

- Being able to watch them grow and develop
 From the minute your little ones are born they are learning so many new things starting with adapting to there new world around them, and guess what!? we're there every step of the way, supporting them, this give me the sense of pride, what about you?
Alex is older now, and is learning something different everyday. being  part of that and helping him learn and develop is amazing. He's learning to talk in sentences and sing now and I get so surprised when he comes out with something new. Being able to sit with him and read, bake or show him how something works, knowing he's taking it in and one day will be doing it himself is so overwhelming but such a great experience.

- The Cuddles (awww!)
As a newborn you can hold your baby for as long as you want :) Alex spent alot of times in my arms haha. But now he's more on the move and always on his feet running around so we don't get as many cuddles these days- but when we do its so special, just shows how strong that parent-child bond is. Alex gives the best cuddles and kisses, I bet your little one does too?
As he gets older it won't be cool to give mum a cuddle, so I'm treasuring them all now!

-Getting to be a child again
Suddenly your surrounded by all these toys, films, children's channels etc. All you want to do is play with them and get involved. Its your chance to be a child again with your child and have loads of fun. Daddy's also love playing with everything even in the shops haha!
My favourite thing is that i get too watch loads of children's movies, all the new ones that come out I have an excuse the buy them and give them a watch. Can't wait till Alex isn't wriggly little monsters then I can take him to the cinema.
I even know all the theme tunes to most of the children programmes on cbeebies, do you too? Comes part and parcel of watching them day in and out. 

There so many more things I could go on about, but we all have our own thoughts.
I can say that being a mummy/daddy isn't the easiest of journeys but certainly the best and most life changing and most rewarding. Don't ever feel like your failing, your doing the best you can :) and that's all that matters! In my opinion anyway ... 

Let me know what you think is cool about being a Mummy or Daddy in the comments below  or comment on my Facebook Page - Graciesworld

Love to you all xx

Thursday, 4 February 2016


Happy Thursday Everyone :)

The end of last week saw me feeling very tired from the early start to Cambridge, then an early start for work on Friday. Although I've got to say I do prefer being busy.

Saturday Alex and I had a playdate with my friend and her little one at my house. :) it was late lunch sort of time so I put a couple of bits of nibbles out for us to have. All Alex wanted to do was cuddle my friends little one. It was so cute! I'm proud of how caring he can be!
It was nice to have people round on Saturdays as I usually spend Saturdays just chilling around, catching up on errands and playing with Alex. Nice to change it up abit :) but this week I used Sunday for that haha!

Monday saw me go back to work - so not really much to report from there!

For the last week or so, I've been trying to motivate myself to sort my wardrobe out and I feel its just so messy - guess what!? Its not done! Maybe this weekend I'll push myself to do it- such a chore though, right?
I've barely been following my face routine with the Nivea products either, but I did last night and I feel so much better with my refreshed skin.
Don't know what's happened to all my motivation, but I'm on the hunt for it! I've not been sleeping so great so I don't think that really helps the matter, something I need to work on.
I think we all have days where we don't feel very motivated and thats okay :) so don't worry if your feeling a little unmotivated too! We can hunt together!

I did treat myself to the Max Factor Rose Nudes palette eye shadows and I'm excited to give them a go. Do you have this palette?
I'll try and get some pictures when I'm trying it out!
I'm still very much into nudes looking shimmery eyes, so I think this palette is perfect to give a go.
What is your favourite look at the moment?

You will find some weeks I do more than other, sometimes I just chill at home and do normal everyday things like shopping, cooking, cleaning and being a mummy! So I realise some of these might be a bit more boring than others (thumbs down)

Love to you all, thanks very much for your support xx

Wednesday, 3 February 2016


Massive Hello to you all!
In the last month or so I've gained a couple more followers/readers from all over the world so thought I'd introduce emoticon
I'm Gracie, 23years young,even though I feel like 100 most days, mummy to 1 little mischievous munchkin, Alex.
Starting a blog was something I wanted to do for many years just never had the bravery to go ahead, but back in December thought I'd give it a whirl and see how it went. Only live once right!? and I'm still here and thoroughly enjoying it smile emoticon
My posts are quite random haha and just talking about things I enjoy like make up or days out, some of them do/will feature my little boy.
I appreciate all your support, likes, comments and shares! I do my best to get back to you all!
I don't wanna write too much so i'll leave it there, anything you want to know-just ask
Thanks Everyone! xx

I'm on a couple of the social media platforms, come find me! Give them a like, follow or share!!
Instagram - @_gracie92