Saturday, 19 March 2016


As you can see this post it later than usual, over on my Facebook page I let you know that I'd be changing it up a little and the posts would be made on Saturdays :) so I have little more to go over this week)

To make it easy on the eye how about we go for bullet points haha instead of me rambling.

  • Tuesday Alex and I tried out a different park, a cold and breezy day but fun all the same, read about it on Small Adventures
  • Thursday we went swimming again, which was lovely Alex was so much more confident in the water, bobbing around. Whilst there I thought 'Can I actually swim?' I'm really not sure its been so long since I went proper swimming haha! Bad isn't it?
  • I've been trying out fruits teas, bought them in a multi-pack to see which ones I liked, so far the only one I like is Strawberry and Mango.
    Although I prefer it cold and I think would be really nice with ice.
    Do you have any recommendations on fruit teas to try?
  • Creme Egg Minis are a favourite at the moment, could eat bags and bags of them haha, anyone else? Love Easter and the way different chocolates are brought out.

  • Got to spend an unusual day to myself on Friday, something abit different. Didn't do anything I planned to do, just typical ay? Did a couple of bits and bobs at work that needed finishing then came home and went to bed. I've not been sleeping to great recently so just chilled out. I watched an old time favourite; Gilmore Girls (takes me back to my college days, watching this in bed, doing essays etc) even fitted a nap in! haha- still tired though :(ps - anyone else excited about the new Gilmore Girls Episodes that'll be on Netflix at some point? Let me know in the comments :)

  • This Week saw my Facebook page hit its first 100 likes, maybe nothing big to you, but a big deal to me :) also my Dear Little One post has been doing so well, Thanks Guys :)
  • I'm going to be adding a couple of pages to my blog page, watch this space!
  • Also this week, I've been connecting with other bloggers via, twitter and Facebook groups, it so nice to read everyone's posts and what interests them.
    This week I've been reading Nikkipedia & Emmaplusthree go ahead and have a look :)
Leave comments below about fruit teas and Gilmore Girls :) I'd love to know

Find me on Facebook & Twitter
ps - for those that have noticed I've not been around on social media for a little while, just bare with me :)


1 comment:

  1. I also felt excited when my fanpage reached the first 100 milestone.
    Hoping to see you grow bigger
