Friday, 25 March 2016


Hi Everyone :) 

I feel like its been such a long time (even though its only been 6days haha) but I missed a second blogpost for the week- to be honest with you this is the first time my laptop has been turned on since about Sunday, usually on it everyday checking up on things and whatnot.
Its been a hectic, but a week full of nothing week. anyone else have those? Stressful, thats the word I'm looking for haha! Just one thing and another- we all reach that breaking point, right?
My anxiety was playing up alittle and the panic attacks had started so I knew it was time to take a couple of days away from social media and my blog, most things really; just to pull myself back into line haha! Feeling much better for it and my creative juices are slowly returning  :)

Whilst being away I got nominated for my second Leibster Award thanks to Nikki at Nikkipedia I'll get round to doing that next :)
Sorry guys I haven't been keeping up to date with peoples blogs that I enjoy- so over the next couple of days I'm going to catch up in my spare time and I'll pop them in my Weekly Wonders next week. 

It officially Spring - and its Easter Weekend already. where has the time gone already?

I don't usually buy Easter Eggs- haven't done for years, I normally get Alex a little gift instead.
This year I got him a Disney Cars DVD set with films number 1&2 plus an extra- it seems to be a new favourite hes always asking to watch it from NOW TV so why not get him his own copy :)
But I don't know what came over me this year, I just craved Easter Eggs haha, so I got Alex and I one each. Mines all gone...oops! Fatty Alert!

What plans do you have for this weekend? I'm hoping the weather holds out, not sure what we're up to yet!

I've been trying out different eye make up ideas, as I'm a big user of black ink eyeliner, have been for yeas. I want to try different eye looks without using it all the time, or as using less. Thinking of doing a FOTD post one day, what do you think?

Other than that, I've been really boring and don't have much to talk about with the week going the way it has.
I have a couple of ideas for blog posts just need putting together first, if theres anything you want to see me write about - let me know! Open to ideas!

Have a lovely weekend whatever you get up to, dont forget to tell me about it in the comments :)

Find me on Facebook and Twitter - give us a follow :)


  1. You are more than welcome for the nomination :) x

  2. Thanks for the nomination Nikki and gracie, i enjoy your post about life.
    I like knowing more about people and learning from them
