Gooood Evening All :) hope you've all been well.
Had a poorly little one last weekend, he seems to be flitting between a bad chest and sickness at the moment, but all being sorted by the GP's. He'd also been abit off recently and seems like he's totally hit the terrible twos stage, but wasn't till yesterday I realised he's cutting his back teeth, which explains so much with how he's been behaving so relieved its not something serious :) His speech is coming along amazingly, putting his sentences together and just being so cute with it 'Thank you Mommy' is just too cute :) but where's my baby gone? Bet all you Mummy's feel the same when your little one does something new
I seemed to have caught a lovely bug this week as have been under the weather myself hence why not been so active on social media. Lost my voice too, some people say peace and quiet finally but I do love a good chat haha
Did a lovely 16hour shift at work, that was abit hardcore- standing up for that long did no favours for my back but its all good :) needs must and all that!
No exercise done haha, lasted long...not! big slap on the wrist for me!
But on a brighter note things are changing around here.
I think its time to spend abit more time focusing on myself :) I've been trying over the last couple of months to do that, with starting this blog, doing little bits and bobs with things I enjoy (make up etc) but I've had plenty of down moments when I feel like I'm not doing enough. But I've made a mental list of all the things I want to achieve and whether that takes days months or years to achieve I'll be grateful.
I've decided to tell myself 'Yes things are hard, but its all going to be okay'
I know we all have our down days for whatever reasons they may be, but try and find that one little positive.
Do you have something you like to tell yourself when things get abit difficult? I'd love to hear them, could also help another person
This blog is also very important to me so I'd to just take this opportunity to Thank You All for reading, liking and sharing, its much appreciated! :)
Is anyone else disappointed that Spring isnt really coming yet? I mean, snow is march! just silly. Can't wait for it to warm up properly and put in that summer clothing order for Alex and myself.
What you all been up to?
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