I'm so ready for spring, some sunshine and fresh air. Winter is lovely to begin with, cosy nights in. the big C. word, hot meals but it all gets abit boring after months of it. In the UK, the weather is usually cold and really unpredictable! We had a cold but sunny Christmas Day haha!
I don't know what it is about spring but it gives you more energy, that drive to get up and be productive and make plans. Walking to the shop today, I must of seen about 5 people outside cleaning there windows, I feel this is a quite significant thing that a lot of people do on a fresh spring day get rid of all that winter grub. The spring clean, does anyone else do this? As a child we used to get it done in the Easter School Holidays over a weekend, but now in my own house I'm just doing a little at a time. I've been doing the spring clean for while haha started with my wardrobe, yesterday I did the kitchen. But with being quite an organised person it doesn't take long and not too much to do :)
My Spring To Do List
* Attempt to finish decorating bits of the house (attempt being the word haha)
* Go on more adventures with Alex, or generally spend more time outdoors
* Plant some Flowers (never done this haha) but my plant pot in the garden needs updating!
*Get the haircut I've been wanting for a while
* Spring clothes shop and put all those winter jumpers away :) This is what I love to do the most, especially buying things for Alex already been looking online at outfits and other cute items. My go to site for him are Next and F&F by Tesco. I've been looking for myself at a couple of new top, floral and pastel colours- going for a more colourful look this year haha. I've been looking at New Look and Dorothy Perkins. I'm hoping to do more outfit of the day posts too.
Maybe I'll do a spring wishlist? Let me know what you think?
* Go on more adventures with Alex, or generally spend more time outdoors
* Plant some Flowers (never done this haha) but my plant pot in the garden needs updating!
*Get the haircut I've been wanting for a while
* Spring clothes shop and put all those winter jumpers away :) This is what I love to do the most, especially buying things for Alex already been looking online at outfits and other cute items. My go to site for him are Next and F&F by Tesco. I've been looking for myself at a couple of new top, floral and pastel colours- going for a more colourful look this year haha. I've been looking at New Look and Dorothy Perkins. I'm hoping to do more outfit of the day posts too.
Maybe I'll do a spring wishlist? Let me know what you think?
Today we stopped by the park to make the most of the sunshine. Had the doors and windows open even if it is abit chilly, its nice to let that fresh air in.
I'm hoping Spring brings a change for Alex's health and that he doesn't suffer as badly with his chest and colds etc he didn't last year so fingers crossed for this year :)
Weird thing, when I was pregnant with him through the summer I suffered with hayfever, didn't have it before or after he was born haha.
Sadly I have no holidays planned this year, maybe I'll book a last minute one at some point.
Do you have any planned?
I realise this is abit of an odd post, but I just got so excited when i went out today as it was feeling all springlike, I got a case of Spring Fever :) I'm ready... are you? or are you a winter lover?
I bet I've jinxed it and it'll be snowing tomorrow haha!
Picture courtesy of Coffeetography
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Do you have any planned?
I realise this is abit of an odd post, but I just got so excited when i went out today as it was feeling all springlike, I got a case of Spring Fever :) I'm ready... are you? or are you a winter lover?
I bet I've jinxed it and it'll be snowing tomorrow haha!
Picture courtesy of Coffeetography
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