Sunday, 6 March 2016



Hello You, I can imagine your reading this in 15years (give or take) on some new fangled device that I'll have no idea how to work, and you'll be rolling your eyes and telling me how I'm such an embarrassing Mum -going on and on ...sorry :) Its Mothers Day 2016... your only 2 so I'm allowed :) haha

This is my 3rd Mothers Day (wow) and again we aren't celebrating. I'm not a big fan of celebrating this day - personally I don't feel the need- you show me everyday how special I am to you. But this year I did receive a card that you made at nursery.Thank you! 
When your older and you learn all about Mothers Day, I'll play along if you want to do special things for me if not, that's alright :)

Recently, you've been having the hardest time (we both have) with your teeth, constant visits to the doctor and a lot of other changes. You've made it extremely difficult for me to get anything done, sleep and eat in some cases - but I've been doing my best and that's all I can promise you I'll do forevermore. I'll also make sure that its all going to get easier, I hope that's okay? I'll be there with you every step of the way. Honestly though, I wouldn't have it any other way - its all our little journey and we are powering through together. You have no idea, and maybe never will how much you changed my world and help to keep me going through the bad days, just your little smile or laugh makes it all that little bit better.
I can see your getting back to your cheeky, happy self and its definitely making me feel at ease knowing your going to be okay. What I need you to know, is the decisions I make now or in the future is what I think is best at the time for us, I can garentee you whether it is the right or wrong decision I'll feel guilty anyway haha!

These last 2years have been the most challenging yet most rewarding I've ever experienced and watching you grow into the little clever boy you are makes me so proud. I never imagined I could love, protect, worry about, teach someone so much. I could also never imagine all these emotions that come from nowhere since being your mummy- its surprising how emotional I am these days. Definitely keeping up with you :)

I'm sorry that I sometimes get upset or mad when things get hard sometimes when I don't know what to do or what you want. I'm sorry that I can be too mumsy and wanting cuddles etc - its part of the mum package- it'll be like this for many more years till your too cool to be seen with me haha
I'm sorry you don't have the biggest support network - but you'll always have me.

My promise to you is no matter what decision you make in your life - I'll be your number 1 supporter and be there to guide and advice you whenever you want.
Sometimes, I wish for you to be a little baby again as your growing way too fast and learning things far to quickly its shocking! But I know that's impossible! At the same time I'm excited to see what you learn next!
Today of all days you sort of learned how to say 'I love you' amazing! I love you more :)

Your such a loving, caring, well mannered, cheeky, mischievous little monkey- but I wouldn't have you any other way. 
Theres so much more I could write but I cant find the words to express.
Heres to all the fun things we're going to get up to for many more years!

Love Mommy 

To all you mummys, keep doing what your doing - your the best :)



  1. Such a heartfelt post. Your little boy is adorable! x

  2. the boy is so cute, and your heartfelt words are beautiful

  3. Such a sweet words, your little one looks so cute
