Monday, 28 March 2016


For those who know me, know that I am a big fan of wearing black liquid eyeliner, both top and bottom of the eye, you'll see it in most pictures of me over the years. I decided that I wanted to change things up sometimes and just wear eyeshadow and use that as an eyeliner too- so I've been practising. Sometimes it looks good, other times it doesn't haha! But that's what practising is all about I guess.
Excuse the awful picture quality of the photos above and the mess in them :)
I really like the top picture, the colour I've mainly been using are goldy bronzy looking ones blended together.
This is my go to eyeshadow palette, has been for a good couple of months now. Maybelline: The Nudes, all the colours I love, and alot of shimmery ones which I like best. Whats your go to eyeshadow?


Foundation - Rimmel Match Perfection - Classic Beige
Concealer - Collection - Fair 1
Eyeshadow - Maybelline - The Nudes
Mascara - Clinque - High Impact Mascara
Bronzer - Collection - Bronze Glow shimmering light
Lips - Rimmel - Kate 38 (picture1) / Rimmel Lip Crayon - The Redder the Better (picture2)
Highlight and Contour - Collection Set, only used lightly as don't like too much 

Appreciate any tip you wish to give :)

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Friday, 25 March 2016


Hi Everyone :) 

I feel like its been such a long time (even though its only been 6days haha) but I missed a second blogpost for the week- to be honest with you this is the first time my laptop has been turned on since about Sunday, usually on it everyday checking up on things and whatnot.
Its been a hectic, but a week full of nothing week. anyone else have those? Stressful, thats the word I'm looking for haha! Just one thing and another- we all reach that breaking point, right?
My anxiety was playing up alittle and the panic attacks had started so I knew it was time to take a couple of days away from social media and my blog, most things really; just to pull myself back into line haha! Feeling much better for it and my creative juices are slowly returning  :)

Whilst being away I got nominated for my second Leibster Award thanks to Nikki at Nikkipedia I'll get round to doing that next :)
Sorry guys I haven't been keeping up to date with peoples blogs that I enjoy- so over the next couple of days I'm going to catch up in my spare time and I'll pop them in my Weekly Wonders next week. 

It officially Spring - and its Easter Weekend already. where has the time gone already?

I don't usually buy Easter Eggs- haven't done for years, I normally get Alex a little gift instead.
This year I got him a Disney Cars DVD set with films number 1&2 plus an extra- it seems to be a new favourite hes always asking to watch it from NOW TV so why not get him his own copy :)
But I don't know what came over me this year, I just craved Easter Eggs haha, so I got Alex and I one each. Mines all gone...oops! Fatty Alert!

What plans do you have for this weekend? I'm hoping the weather holds out, not sure what we're up to yet!

I've been trying out different eye make up ideas, as I'm a big user of black ink eyeliner, have been for yeas. I want to try different eye looks without using it all the time, or as using less. Thinking of doing a FOTD post one day, what do you think?

Other than that, I've been really boring and don't have much to talk about with the week going the way it has.
I have a couple of ideas for blog posts just need putting together first, if theres anything you want to see me write about - let me know! Open to ideas!

Have a lovely weekend whatever you get up to, dont forget to tell me about it in the comments :)

Find me on Facebook and Twitter - give us a follow :)

Saturday, 19 March 2016


As you can see this post it later than usual, over on my Facebook page I let you know that I'd be changing it up a little and the posts would be made on Saturdays :) so I have little more to go over this week)

To make it easy on the eye how about we go for bullet points haha instead of me rambling.

  • Tuesday Alex and I tried out a different park, a cold and breezy day but fun all the same, read about it on Small Adventures
  • Thursday we went swimming again, which was lovely Alex was so much more confident in the water, bobbing around. Whilst there I thought 'Can I actually swim?' I'm really not sure its been so long since I went proper swimming haha! Bad isn't it?
  • I've been trying out fruits teas, bought them in a multi-pack to see which ones I liked, so far the only one I like is Strawberry and Mango.
    Although I prefer it cold and I think would be really nice with ice.
    Do you have any recommendations on fruit teas to try?
  • Creme Egg Minis are a favourite at the moment, could eat bags and bags of them haha, anyone else? Love Easter and the way different chocolates are brought out.

  • Got to spend an unusual day to myself on Friday, something abit different. Didn't do anything I planned to do, just typical ay? Did a couple of bits and bobs at work that needed finishing then came home and went to bed. I've not been sleeping to great recently so just chilled out. I watched an old time favourite; Gilmore Girls (takes me back to my college days, watching this in bed, doing essays etc) even fitted a nap in! haha- still tired though :(ps - anyone else excited about the new Gilmore Girls Episodes that'll be on Netflix at some point? Let me know in the comments :)

  • This Week saw my Facebook page hit its first 100 likes, maybe nothing big to you, but a big deal to me :) also my Dear Little One post has been doing so well, Thanks Guys :)
  • I'm going to be adding a couple of pages to my blog page, watch this space!
  • Also this week, I've been connecting with other bloggers via, twitter and Facebook groups, it so nice to read everyone's posts and what interests them.
    This week I've been reading Nikkipedia & Emmaplusthree go ahead and have a look :)
Leave comments below about fruit teas and Gilmore Girls :) I'd love to know

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ps - for those that have noticed I've not been around on social media for a little while, just bare with me :)


Tuesday, 15 March 2016


In with the theme of things with my last couple of blog posts, doing more and spring bringing change I thought I'd write abit about what we've done today. 

Now, bare with me....
Alot of other parents, siblings, grandparents do this with there children all the time without a worry in the world. Me, I try to stick to what I know, but made the decision to make an effort and just do more and broaden the horizons a little.

The back story behind all this, is the vision I had for my own family life were completely different views of how it would turn out, doesn't everyone? I wanted to be able to have family trips and Alex have alot of family and friends around him, things didn't turn out that way through one thing and another- its just been me and him alot of the time. Going out and doing things always made me nervous and feel as though I'm being looked at with not doing things as a family unit, whilst everyone around me has mother,father, siblings, grandparents, friends etc all together doing stuff. Of course, I realise what you see with your eyes cannot always be the case. I'm rambling and not making sense haha! The reasons behind it just being me and Alex cannot be helped for majority of the time - just something I have to overcome- which I'm trying hard at.

Anyway, Alex and I ventured out a little further today to visit a park that has alot more things to do on it. We usually visit one just around the corner from our house that pretty much has a slide and swing, Alex loves the slide and loves going, but nothing wrong with introducing something new, right? 
Its not that far away really but with a walking little one who likes to look at everything and walk slowly it took twice the amount of time. Got to say though, he did so well could be the furthest he's walked to date :) by summer I think we'll be getting rid of the pushchair! 
This park was nice and quiet today,perfect for exploring. Its usually very busy and overcrowded even more so in the summer-because they have a paddling pool!!

Here he is enjoying the view, he got too scared to go down the slide, maybe next time :)

Think this is a close to the beach I'm going to get this year!! :( fingers crossed can get a holiday booked!
The baby part of the park haha!! enjoy what you can I suppose, I'm hoping by the time the real spring/summer weather comes the autumn leaves and grit will have been cleared.

But Alex enjoyed it, having an explore of different park toys (is that what there called?)

Big step for me to venture further instead of sticking to what I know and definitely good for Alex too :)

Onwards and Upwards :) xx

ps - dont forget we've had a change about, Weekly Wonders will now be on Fridays
Find me on Facebook and Twitter give me a follow :)

Sunday, 13 March 2016


Picture courtesy of Coffeetography

To Me Spring signifies change, change in personality, change in clothes, change in activities, change in meals... the list could go on!

I'm so ready for spring, some sunshine and fresh air. Winter is lovely to begin with, cosy nights in. the big C. word, hot meals but it all gets abit boring after months of it. In the UK, the weather is usually cold and really unpredictable! We had a cold but sunny Christmas Day haha!

I don't know what it is about spring but it gives you more energy, that drive to get up and be productive and make plans. Walking to the shop today, I must of seen about 5 people outside cleaning there windows, I feel this is a quite significant thing that a lot of people do on a fresh spring day get rid of all that winter grub. The spring clean, does anyone else do this? As a child we used to get it done in the Easter School Holidays over a weekend, but now in my own house I'm just doing a little at a time. I've been doing the spring clean for while haha started with my wardrobe, yesterday I did the kitchen. But with being quite an organised person it doesn't take long and not too much to do :) 

My Spring To Do List 

* Attempt to finish decorating bits of the house (attempt being the word haha)
* Go on more adventures with Alex, or generally spend more time outdoors
* Plant some Flowers (never done this haha) but my plant pot in the garden needs updating!
*Get the haircut I've been wanting for a while
* Spring clothes shop and put all those winter jumpers away :)  This is what I love to do the most, especially buying things for Alex already been looking online at outfits and other cute items. My go to site for him are Next and F&F by Tesco. I've been looking for myself at a couple of new top, floral and pastel colours- going for a more colourful look this year haha. I've been looking at New Look and Dorothy Perkins. I'm hoping to do more outfit of the day posts too.
Maybe I'll do a spring wishlist? Let me know what you think?

Today we stopped by the park to make the most of the sunshine. Had the doors and windows open even if it is abit chilly, its nice to let that fresh air in. 

I'm hoping Spring brings a change for Alex's health and that he doesn't suffer as badly with his chest and colds etc he didn't last year so fingers crossed for this year :)
Weird thing, when I was pregnant with him through the summer I suffered with hayfever, didn't have it before or after he was born haha.

Sadly I have no holidays planned this year, maybe I'll book a last minute one at some point.
Do you have any planned?

I realise this is abit of an odd post, but I just got so excited when i went out today as it was feeling all springlike, I got a case of Spring Fever :) I'm ready... are you? or are you a winter lover?
I bet I've jinxed it and it'll be snowing tomorrow haha!

Picture courtesy of Coffeetography
Find me on Facebook and Twitter - give them a follow 


Thursday, 10 March 2016

WEEKLY WONDERS - lets do more

Happy Thursday :)

One of my mummy goals this year was to do more with Alex, as regrettably since he's born I haven't really done a great deal with him in terms of visiting places. This is because I haven't had the confidence to always go and do things alone with him and anxiety reaches a peak if I were to travel somewhere alone with him - as my mind starts races with all sorts of potential situations and just talk myself out of it. I'm sure some of you can relate?
I'll tell you something really funny... because I haven't done my driving test and don't have a car I tend to get buses to places if not in walking distant but Alex's pushchair has never been on a bus haha it makes me too nervous!
Alex has though, now he's a confident walker and understanding instructions etc we like to take the bus to friends houses or restaurants :)

Anyway so although we haven't done too much this year-the things we have done.... its a start haha! We went to Birmingham Sealife Centre for his 2nd birthday visit 2nd Birthday Adventures to have a read about the day :)
This week we went swimming- Alex's first time :) we went with some lovely friends was a brilliant day. Alex was so good on the bus journey; enjoying all the sights. When we got into the pool changing rooms he got quite upset and let everyone know about it! He seemed a little claustrophobic with the doors being shut and having to get changed and whatnot. But I can't blame him its all new! Bless him.
Once in the pool he just clung onto me with some very strong cuddles. He observed all the other children and what they were doing. I did some jumping and splashing with him just to get him used the water. It took him till the near end of the session to feel confident to have a little wander and play in the pool without holding onto me. But he did it!
I've got to say I'm sad that I didn't do it with him earlier but now I've taken him - I'm going to try and make it a weekly thing for us to do :)

I also got him some paints so that he can start being arty at home :) This was rather big step for me as I was so worried that it would just be everywhere haha, how wrong was I? He just painted himself and the paper provided. He did try eating it, but what child doesn't?
But it was so rewarding to see him having fun and enjoying doing something different. 

I can't wait for the nicer weather to come then we can head out on picnics and other little adventures. For Easter I'm considering doing a mini Easter Egg hunt around my house :)

So this week has been about doing more with Alex and ensuring he's experiencing as much as he can, and also me overcoming feeling nervous about doing things with him. If you have any suggestions of things we can do in and out the house feel free to drop me a comment below or on my social media accounts. Love to hear what you get up to with your little ones :)

Mothers Day we didn't really do much - I did write a blog post Dear My Little One have a read :)

Other than that just been doing my day job which has been a little different for me this week, but pretty good! I've also been speaking to a friend that I haven't spoken to in a while due to both being being busy at different times - its so nice to catch up ❤

Oh, one more thing I saw a lovely little quote on instagram yesterday
'Don't define your world in black and white, there is so much hiding amongst the greys'
To me, this interprets are there so much more going on than what meets the eye so before judging another because there acting differently, consider what they may be going through!

Love to you all x 

Find me on Facebook and give it a like, I'm quite talkative over there haha and Twitter

Sunday, 6 March 2016



Hello You, I can imagine your reading this in 15years (give or take) on some new fangled device that I'll have no idea how to work, and you'll be rolling your eyes and telling me how I'm such an embarrassing Mum -going on and on ...sorry :) Its Mothers Day 2016... your only 2 so I'm allowed :) haha

This is my 3rd Mothers Day (wow) and again we aren't celebrating. I'm not a big fan of celebrating this day - personally I don't feel the need- you show me everyday how special I am to you. But this year I did receive a card that you made at nursery.Thank you! 
When your older and you learn all about Mothers Day, I'll play along if you want to do special things for me if not, that's alright :)

Recently, you've been having the hardest time (we both have) with your teeth, constant visits to the doctor and a lot of other changes. You've made it extremely difficult for me to get anything done, sleep and eat in some cases - but I've been doing my best and that's all I can promise you I'll do forevermore. I'll also make sure that its all going to get easier, I hope that's okay? I'll be there with you every step of the way. Honestly though, I wouldn't have it any other way - its all our little journey and we are powering through together. You have no idea, and maybe never will how much you changed my world and help to keep me going through the bad days, just your little smile or laugh makes it all that little bit better.
I can see your getting back to your cheeky, happy self and its definitely making me feel at ease knowing your going to be okay. What I need you to know, is the decisions I make now or in the future is what I think is best at the time for us, I can garentee you whether it is the right or wrong decision I'll feel guilty anyway haha!

These last 2years have been the most challenging yet most rewarding I've ever experienced and watching you grow into the little clever boy you are makes me so proud. I never imagined I could love, protect, worry about, teach someone so much. I could also never imagine all these emotions that come from nowhere since being your mummy- its surprising how emotional I am these days. Definitely keeping up with you :)

I'm sorry that I sometimes get upset or mad when things get hard sometimes when I don't know what to do or what you want. I'm sorry that I can be too mumsy and wanting cuddles etc - its part of the mum package- it'll be like this for many more years till your too cool to be seen with me haha
I'm sorry you don't have the biggest support network - but you'll always have me.

My promise to you is no matter what decision you make in your life - I'll be your number 1 supporter and be there to guide and advice you whenever you want.
Sometimes, I wish for you to be a little baby again as your growing way too fast and learning things far to quickly its shocking! But I know that's impossible! At the same time I'm excited to see what you learn next!
Today of all days you sort of learned how to say 'I love you' amazing! I love you more :)

Your such a loving, caring, well mannered, cheeky, mischievous little monkey- but I wouldn't have you any other way. 
Theres so much more I could write but I cant find the words to express.
Heres to all the fun things we're going to get up to for many more years!

Love Mommy 

To all you mummys, keep doing what your doing - your the best :)


Thursday, 3 March 2016


Gooood Evening All :) hope you've all been well. 

Had a poorly little one last weekend, he seems to be flitting between a bad chest and sickness at the moment, but all being sorted by the GP's. He'd also been abit off recently and seems like he's totally hit the terrible twos stage, but wasn't till yesterday I realised he's cutting his back teeth, which explains so much with how he's been behaving so relieved its not something serious :) His speech is coming along amazingly, putting his sentences together and just being so cute with it 'Thank you Mommy' is just too cute :) but where's my baby gone? Bet all you Mummy's feel the same when your little one does something new
I seemed to have caught a lovely bug this week as have been under the weather myself hence why not been so active on social media. Lost my voice too, some people say peace and quiet finally but I do love a good chat haha 

Did a lovely 16hour shift at work, that was abit hardcore- standing up for that long did no favours for my back but its all good :) needs must and all that!
No exercise done haha, lasted long...not! big slap on the wrist for me!

But on a brighter note things are changing around here.
I think its time to spend abit more time focusing on myself :) I've been trying over the last couple of months to do that, with starting this blog, doing little bits and bobs with things I enjoy (make up etc) but I've had plenty of down moments when I feel like I'm not doing enough. But I've made a mental list of all the things I want to achieve and whether that takes days months or years to achieve I'll be grateful.
I've decided to tell myself 'Yes things are hard, but its all going to be okay' 

I know we all have our down days for whatever reasons they may be, but try and find that one little positive. 
Do you have something you like to tell yourself when things get abit difficult? I'd love to hear them, could also help another person

This blog is also very important to me so I'd to just take this opportunity to Thank You All for reading, liking and sharing, its much appreciated! :)

Is anyone else disappointed that Spring isnt really coming yet? I mean, snow is march! just silly. Can't wait for it to warm up properly and put in that summer clothing order for Alex and myself. 

What you all been up to?

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