Saturday, 19 December 2015


Evening Everyone,

I feel like its been ages since I've wrote a post, when really its not been that long. But in the run up to Christmas we're all just finishing off those last bits to make Christmas day extra special.

So, i finish the Christmas gifts shopping, no last minute rush for me! It took quite sometime to find the perfect secret Santa gift I mentioned, i just really hope the person likes it! Now, all i need to do is the wrapping, do any of you personalise your wrapping paper by adding extra little touches or is it nice traditional wrapping paper? This year I'm going with traditional wrapping paper, However i have seen some amazing ideas on how to personalise and make your own that I will attempt to give a go in the future.

Yesterday I had an eye test and I've got to tell you it was the weirdest experience of my life!
I never realised how many tests you had to do before you can even see an optician. I've got to say having the air puff in my eyes during one of them was definitely not my favourite, it made me jump so much!
But, all this tests are compulsory and I made it through them all.
After seeing the optician, it was decided they'd pop some eye drops into my eyes that would dilate them, this was a crazy experience haha. I felt as my pupils got bigger I could see so much far away and around me, but when trying to message on my phone I had to hold my phone as far away from my face as possible as just couldn't see it up close. And just to top it off, it made me look ridiculous for the next few hours with mutant eyes!
Turns out, my eyes are quite healthy and normal!
Have any of you ever had this, how did you feel?

I went out for dinner last night with my Aunty Sharon and cousin Dana,(changed our minds about lunch)
We visited TGI Fridays,Food was lovely,cocktails were tasty and all had a good catch up. After Christmas we are all going away for a mini break, which we all so need and are looking forward to! We discussed a couple of the details and whatnot. But I still have no idea what to take with me!
I decided after my eye test and the drops I wasn't going to go for my usual black in eyeliner, so instead wore neutral eye shadow from my Maybelline The Nudes palette, mascara and a slight red lip

I used Rimmel Lip Crayon, The Redder the Better. I love this as you can build it up so either really subtle or really Red! but it also very long lasting.

Sorry it such a long one, I've just had a lot to fill you in with.
Please like and comment if you enjoyed this.


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