Sunday, 29 May 2016


How disgusting is this? Only up until last year when I started changing my make-up habits,I didn't realise you had to actually put effort in to cleaning your make up brushes haha! Luckily, when I was younger I used to use sponges and changed them every 2 weeks or so. When moving onto brushes I just purchased a new one once I thought it needed replacing. My only confession is, I used a powder brush for sooo long without cleaning or replacing it; that when I did go to clean it- its was awful and unclean-able so was replaced the next day. I know, I know - disgusting! Blergh!

But... I've learnt my lesson :)  and now I clean my make-up brushes regularly.

These are probably my 5 most used brushes for foundation, concealer, powder, eyes shadow and eye shadow blending.
So I get myself all set up with everything I need, the brushes I'm cleaning, the cleaning product I want to use and a towel.
I know you can buy make-up brush cleaners in high street stores etc but personally I LOVE uses Johnson's Baby Shampoo. As a Mummy, I usually have some at home, I still have stocks from when he was  baby so for me its an easy go to. Leaves my brushes all soft, doesn't ruin the bristles ad just smells amazing-love the smell the most haha! Baby smell is beautiful thought isn't it?
So to get started I just pop some of the shampoo into  the palm of my hand, work the brush in circular movements into hand to create a lather and clean the brush.
(i couldn't photograph this action as only had my hands today and was using both, brush in one soap in the other :) )
Rinse under hot water until the water runs clear. It is usually better to hold in downwards to avoid water going into the metal part, but I couldn't get a proper photo haha!
Pop the clean brushes onto a towel and leave them to air dry- mine usually take around a day to dry completely.
This gives you an opportunity to give your some make-up free time an maybe give yourself a pamper with a face mask as an example.
I have exfoliated and cleansed my face today, do you do any pampering on make-up free days?

Easy Peasy! xx

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