Thursday, 9 June 2016


I'm so lucky to live a short walk away from such a beautiful place, the Embankment. Haven't we had some beautiful weather this week? I loved it and definitely thought about what Alex and I could get up to in the sunshine, so why not go on a walking adventure. I wasn't sure how Alex would take it as sometimes he wants to walk, sometimes he wants to be in his pushchair, sometimes he wants to be carried. But I can honestly he say he did so much walking and running this day I was so surprised. I hadn't really been here with Alex very much on an adventure, just little walks along the river with him in the pushchair to get a bit of fresh air when he was a baby. So we packed a small bag, some fruity snacks, drinks and a kids ball, popped on the sun cream (well on Alex, I forgot) and set off.
We started off by having a walk along the river, looking at the boats, swans, geese and ducks. Alex especially liked the different birds, we sat near them just looking and learning the different names. Silly me forgot to take bread definitely a must have for next time. My little danger mouse kept wanting to get closer to them and tried to walk down the steps towards them bless him, but then became shy as they started wandering towards him.

Had a wander on the bridge so Alex could do some more sight seeing, he loved it and talks about this bridge nearly everyday haha

We crossed over and headed into some lovely looking gardens, I've wanted to visit these gardens ever since i clocked eyes on it about a year after we moved into our house but never got round to it. Awww, it was so magical walking down the steps through the trees into this beautiful area was like a little fairytale. I can just hear Alex saying 'WOW' now! :)
We had our snacks by this water fountain, I love the sound of water fountains especially in hot weather so soothing and peaceful. Alex kept running towards them, having a look and coming back. What a cutie! Something else he also talks about nearly everyday. 
Had a little kick around with his ball too on some grass nearby then headed home as I had work in the evening. I came back with some lovely sunburn, guess thats what happens when forget to put your own sun cream on haha

It has got to be by most favourite day so far this year, lovely little adventure with some quality time with Alex and enjoying the views of Nottingham, 100% something we will be doing again!

What have you been up to whilst the suns been out?

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