Saturday, 14 May 2016


For many many years, I've not been a big bath user, I think the last time I had a bath was when I was pregnant with Alex as helped with all the aches and pains that come with pregnancy. Otherwise, much prefer a shower!
But I've been having abit of back pain recently and thought a bath would help. So why not treat myself at the same time? So many people, from family, friends, youtubers and bloggers rave so much about LUSH products so thought I'd go and have a gander I hadn't been in a Lush store since I was around 13/14 so felt all new to me. 
Just WOW all the smells, colours and displays of products and staff were just amazing! I had my hands full with other shopping bags (silly idea to go here last haha) so it was kinda of a quick visit a quick smell of some of the bath bombs and chose one. 

Can you believe this is my first ever Lush purchase? So behind with the times!

I chose the one pictured above, Sakura its called. To me, this smells so spring like and flowery.  The ingredients are mimosa and jasmine oils, lemon oil and orange flower. Don't the ingredients sound so refreshing too? I love how it made my bath smell beautiful and after having a soak and some quality chill out time, I smelt amazing and my skin was really soft! 

So just after this one amazing  bath, I've decided that when Alex is at nursery and have the house my myself I'm going to treat my self to a Lush bath once in a while.
Never thought I'd hear myself saying that haha!

Think its now time to go a little crazy and have a Lush product splurge haha!

Are you a Lush fan? Whats your fave? Any recommendations?

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