Sunday, 17 April 2016


Can't believe its been 3weeks since we last spoke... seems a long time.. hope your all good and been up to some interesting things, would love to hear all about it :)
Its gonna be a long chatty one.. bare with me :)

So what have I been up to?-Working has been thing main thing- I'll explain more further down
-We've been doing our usual swimming sessions with friends, Alex is really loving it which I am so glad about :)
- I added an About Me page where you can find all my contact details.
-On a walk to the shop the other day we randomly saw some ducks, Alex was so interested in them, chatting away and asking question. He got really upset when I said we had to leave. Personally, ducks are one of my favourite animals, don't ask why.. I don't really know haha!
He's become such a little chatterbox, and also a little monkey with a bad attitude at the same time haha! Anyone else with a 2year old the same?

I've started reading a book; Cheryl - My Story. So thats Cheryl Cole, Fernandez versini... not sure what she's called these days to be honest. Have you read it? I'm enjoying it.

This week I've been catching up on other blogs. Two that I've been enjoying are 
Have a gander at both x

So where have I been?
Honestly, I've still been here, just very quiet on all social media accounts to collect my thoughts.
Without going into it all too much, the last 2 and a half years  have been extremely hard ones for me (and people who have gone through it with me) for many different reasons, for things that can be changed and for things that can't.  I just reached the stage where it was all too much and every day seemed like a bad one with things going wrong or hearing bad news resulting in hitting abit of a low moment for a couple of weeks, but seemed much longer.
I've had some good days and some really bad ones #totesemosh where getting out of bed was too hard- but Alex made sure I did haha bless him. He's been a great help in keeping me going and not becoming a complete recluse.
I lost all motivation to do most things for myself for example doing exercise, etc it all took a back step and sitting in pjs, being boring, is all I could find the strength to do most days. Going to work was a massive struggle for me, with loss of confidence and being judged for the way I was acting/feeling. But had to be done!
This also meant that my blog suffered as I also had Bloggers Block and just didn't know what I could talk about  or the confidence to start writing. The way I was being gave me quite a shock as never have I behaved in such a way- it was weird of me! 

But.... on a happier note, I'm feeling much more positive and I think I needed that time to just collect my thoughts,be with Alex, and just take time out.

I think going through tough times, build up your inner strength and the way you see things and every single time you have an obstacle to overcome you find a different way to deal with as you have learnt lessons and have more to learn. 

I want to say Thanks to everyone who has listened to me whinge haha I appreciate it :)

But enough of the serious talk - the sun is out :) yayyy. who had snow yesterday? We had hail, the weather is crazy at the moment. I can't wait for the 'real' summer to arrive!

Back to Blogging - woohoo! I have some ideas for blogspots but would love to hear yours too :)

Find me on Facebook and Twitter



  1. Hi gracie, thanks for the mention and its so good to see you back here although its been like a very long time.
    Sometimes i too feel bored and things seem not to be going so that well but as humans, we have to learn to deal with it
    My greetings to Alex :)

  2. Glad to see you back go thing again! I hope you're doing well. We had snow here but it didn't last very long when the sun came out. Feels like we are roasting at home today.

  3. Thank you!
    Ah I know, weather so crazy atm I never know what to wear lol x
