Saturday, 30 April 2016


I set up a Q&A thread over on my Facebook page, as I thought it would be a good idea for you all to get to know abit more about me, but the things that you want to know by asking the questions on things your interested in :)
Thanks to those few who weren't afraid to get involved!

Questions by Nikki at Nikkipedia

  1. What are you hobbies outside of blogging?
    Umm, I don't really do much without Alex in toe so other than doing things with him, I don't mind doing abit of retail therapy or practising with my make up especially eyeshadows :)
  2. What did you want to be growing up?
    Well, this changed every week, for a while a hairdresser, then a lawyer, then an actress haha, there's been so many career paths I've thought about. 
  3. What was you inspiration for starting up your blog?
    It had been an idea I'd toyed with for many years with things I've been through/done as I always thought it would be good to jot down what I'm thinking/doing. And if I could help just one person in some way that'd be amazing! But watching my cousin set up her Youtube channel and a lot of encouragement pushed me to finally set it up :)
  4. How do you plan what you will be writing about next on your blog?
    Right now, I don't really do a lot of planning as to what I'm going to write, if I enjoy something I'm doing/saw/bought I'll write about it. I have previously used a diary to put an order of what I was going to blog about but it always changed. 
Question by Macauley 
  1. If you could go anywhere in the world to pursue a dream, what dream would it be and where would you go?
    Hmm, tough one! I'd like to travel all over the world possibly promoting my own perfume as it is my favourite thing ever!
Questions by Tunde Sanusi at TuhamWorld

  1. What are your hobbies apart from blogging?
    As I wrote above alot of my time is spent doing different things with Alex and I very rarely get any time for myself but when I do its retail therapy or practising with make up haha
  2.  If you had a chance to travel to Africa which part would you go and why?
    Umm, honestly I do not know alot about Africa or the cities in it. However, I think I would like to go to a holiday destination for a visit. Then flip it on its head and do the complete opposite possibly and visit to do some charity work somewhere.
  3. What career you like todo in the future?
    Umm possibly blogging or maybe I'll branch out to YouTube, I'm not sure. never been sure on what career i want to take haha! Quite like my actual job most of the time :)
  4. I hardly see a post of you talking about Alex's dad, its not compulsory one talks about his/her partner though but i mean like dedicating a single post for him, Is he so that very busy?
    He simply didn't want to be involved or talked about in great deal :)

I loved doing this and hopefully will do a few more in the future :) give the post a like if you enjoyed it too. Get INVOLVED leave your answers to some of the questions below, I'd love to read them :)

Thanks Again

Head over to my Facebook or Twitter and give me a follow



  1. Great post! It's good to get to know fellow bloggers. Looking forward to reading more posts.

    Nikki | Nikkipedia

  2. Thats so sweet of you Gracie to answer my questions and like Nikki said, its good to know about fellow bloggers:)
    I hope Alex is doing great?
    Tunde| TuhamWorld
