Sunday, 26 February 2017


I don't know about you but I LURRRVE pancakes all year round, but you can't deny there is just something exciting about pancake day- the only day where its acceptable to eat pancakes from morning till night if you wish. I personally prefer mine as a brunch-y kind of meal- and its only 2days away now.

Guess what? It also means that spring is on it way!

Over the year I've experimented a little more with different toppings and thought I'd share some of my favourites with you😀

ps- I'm no where near an expert at making anything, no measurements included (choose your own) just pour and see how many you get from it - winging it! Making it super EASY PEASY

You will Need :  
- Plain Flour
- Milk
- Egg(s)
- Choice of toppings/filings

-Mixing Bowl
- Whisk/Fork
 Such a great way to get the kiddies involved!
Add the flour, Milk and Eggs into the mixing bowl and Mix Mix Mix with whisk/fork to create a smooth runny batter (but not too watery)
I like to use the butter in the pan as an alternative to oil, I think it gives the pancakes extra taste and if you get it right crispy edges.
*Feel free to use any other alternatives to oil that you prefer*
Blueberry Pancakes
This, without a doubt, is the one I tend to make the most - its so yummy. Adding blueberries into the mixture which as they cook, the skins pop and let the blueberry juice run into the pancake. Adding some sugar on the top to add a little sweetness and wa-lah your all done!
Why not try adding some extra honey? 
Chocolate & Strawberry Stack
For the chocolate lover inside! Add some chocolate spread into your mixture and you've got yourself some yummy chocolate flavoured pancakes. In the chocolate stack above, I popped MilkyBar white chocolate yoghurt on the bottom layer, strawberries in the second and crumbled Oreo on the top! Oreo's are my absolute favfavfav biscuit in the world so why not add them onto a pancake? It was delish!
Chocolate Heaven... right?
The Classic
Of course, you CANNOT have pancake day without the classic lemon and sugar! A much lighter filling than the chocolate stack. I've got to admit I much prefer the lemon juice from a fresh lemon than a bottle. I like having the extra slices to squeeze as you go. It also looks really fancy - something to pull out if your having a pancake party? Is that a thing? I'd love that! I'm definitely going to do this one year haha

Will you be making your own pancakes this Tuesday? Its so quick and easy-I can't wait to have them again. Still working on Alex, he doesn't seem a fan no matter what topping I use, this makes me kinda sad haha!

 I would love to know what your favourite filling/topping is?
The choices you have are endless. 

Happy Pancake Making


  1. I've been having pancakes recently, I used to only have them on pancake day haha! I can't wait for pancake day! Xx

  2. These look so yummy! I am terrible at making pancakes haha

    Terri x

  3. They look so good! I'm all for pancakes all year round, but always go with the classic lemon and sugar on pancake day!

    Emily-May x

  4. Blueberry pancakes are my absolute fave! Lovely pictures they all look yummy xx

  5. these look so yummy! cant wait for pancake day

  6. Can't wait to make pancakes, yours look amazing!

  7. My pancakes are always so hit or miss, I'm hoping I'll do well with them this year haha! It sounds so boring but I'm a massive lover of the classic lemon and sugar, maybe with a nutella pancake thrown in there!

  8. That blueberry one looks delicious 😋
    Totally forgot it was pancake day tomorrow, and I always end up making the usual plain ones 🙄
    Also if I'm feeling a bit lavish these will definitely come in handy for breakfast ideas!
    Kirsty x

  9. My fave is chocolate and coconut. Excited this year as mum had a real crepe maker 😊 x
    Lola Mia //

  10. I didn't get to have pancakes on pancake day, but I will definitely be making some this weekend! Mmmm, lemon and sugar <3 ^_^

    Lovely post!!


  11. They look insane! Beth x

  12. They look amazing! Thank god for pancakes ��
    thinklikeart x
