Sunday, 23 April 2017



Lack of motivation - It happens to us all at some point or another, whether its once a week, once a month etc and sometimes it results in a complete slump where you can't seem to follow through with any plans or things that need/want to be doing. Now, the reason for this slump could be anything, tragic life event, mental health struggles, parenting struggles, being overwhelmed, woes and worries about all situation presented to you at the time, or general can't be botheredness (have better things to be doing haha)
I, myself have had my fair share of slumps and believe it or not I'm not the most positive person but I try and thought I'd give you a little insight of tips I use to get myself feeling a little more motivated😀
images found on google - inspirational quotes

100% have that DUVET DAY - I support the lazy day, I support the dwell on it day and I think you should make the most of it. Eat all the things you want, chocolate as well, nap, release all the emotions, binge watch films and TV series and a pamper sesh if you feel like it. It all helps to relax your mind and being able to think a little more clearly.
As a parent this isn't always easy but you can still be lazy, and eat all you want, then once they've gone to bed you can use this time for binge watching etc.

Mind Over Matter and put things into perspective, ask yourself the why's and the hows. Can you control whats happening? Can you help or need help? Talk to someone, make a plan, write a list or have routine to keep things ticking over. 

TIDY HOUSE, TIDY MIND something I live by, if my key areas aren't organised I get super stressy and the parts in my brain just gets all jumbled together.

Go Out, Get out and about doing stuff, make plans, family days, friend days, shopping days. Anything that's abit different to your usual tasks to add some fun to your day. I've found this has helped me quite alot recently!
I find as parent it can get quite intense and stressful and I know all I need is a some time out the house alone or with friends just to remind me that being a mummy isn't my only existence.

See what we've been up to recently here and here

Have a Project/Goal Have something to work towards, something your excited about. Mine is currently looking for a new home, can't tell you how excited but nervous I am about it haha. 

Music put on your favourite tunes, have a dance a round, put all your effort into the lyrics. You'll be amazed how uplifting your favourite music can be. Alex and I love a good dance (jumping around) around the living room letting loose.

Eating, Sleeping, Exercising as well as you can. I've found I've always felt better when I've done these, maybe not so much the exercise part but you get the jist. Sleeping better and eating better has upped my energy levels giving me a better outlook on being able to be motivated for the day.

Morning Routine My morning routine is pretty staple in my day, it means my day is planned and my thoughts are collected and prioritised, of course it won't always run smoothly as I like but its always a good start. If your not a morning person have a good night time routine, find your key moment in the day to collect your thoughts.

You will be Okay - always remember that, no matter what life throws at you in the end it'll be all okay (even if its just for 5 minutes) 

Well those are my little motivational bits I like to tell myself quite regularly, and although I'm quite tired I'm actually feeling quite motivated to get something done.
-With that in mind I think I'll be cleaning the oven tonight haha what fun right? Not. I know haha!

Do you have any tips to share I'd love to hear them, it also might help someone else too 

Lots of Love 


  1. These were great, I love the " have a lazy day " tip. I strongly believe we all need to recharge at times and that it's totally okay to just NOT do anything. I find that getting enough sleep, and exercising is really the main key points that keep me going!

  2. I find that exercising, going out and having a rest really helps me when I'm feeling demotivated or stressed out! Such a good post with great tips!

  3. Love this! Really motivational X
