Monday 4 July 2016


When I was younger I used to be a big fan of just drinking water, no juices, no fizzy drinks, teas or coffees. I'm not sure what happened, but I stopped drinking water all the time and began drinking everything else haha.
Its key to keep yourself hydrated, even more so now summers here or on your holidays. You'll find whenever you visit a doctor, dietitian, body coach etc they'll all ask 'are you drinking enough?'
We say 'Yes' but are we really?
After a visit to the doctors a couple of months ago and being asked about my diet and if I drinking enough water I actually had a little word with myself and made a personal goal to drink more water and see if it would help me feel better. Now, plain water wasn't very appetising;not a great encouragement factor to drink more water. Its easy to just grab cordial to make water taste better. I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks this?
I've been seeing alot of hype about fruit fusion waters over the years so why not give this a try.
There are so many health benefits you can get from fruity water, better digestion, adding natural antioxidants and improved skin. Personally, I've found I've been less bloated, better sleeping pattern and more energy.

Its Easy Peasy to do, get yourself your favourite fruit, a pretty jar or glass/cup - maybe a straw, ice if your drinks cold- add it all together and your done :)
Here's a few that I like to drink...

Lemon, Lime and Mint - A citrusy favourite, a classic. I like to add mint, just to take that sting of citrus away, but thats just me, lemon and lime is nice too :) 

Strawberry and Blueberry - A little berry number, its quite bitter as first but the longer you leave it to fuse the sweeter it becomes as the strawberries release there taste. Add a few different berries you'll have a nice berry water. This what I'll be trying next.

Orange and Lemon - This is my favourite. Packed full of citrus, a lovely zingy taste and so summery.

Strawberry, Lime and Mint - Sweet and fresh and such a subtle taste for those who don't like anything to strong. 

Another favourite of mine is cranberry juice, orange and mint so you can also add fresh fruit to your fruit juices, the ideas are endless. 

Whats your favourite?


1 comment:

  1. This is so interesting and am going to give it a try. Fortunately, mom is a trader in fruits | i haven't tasted strawberry before, how does it taste like?
